Uses of Class

Packages that use FeedFormat

Uses of FeedFormat in yarfraw.core.datamodel

Methods in yarfraw.core.datamodel that return FeedFormat
static FeedFormat FeedFormat.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static FeedFormat[] FeedFormat.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Methods in yarfraw.core.datamodel with parameters of type FeedFormat
 void TextInput.validate(FeedFormat format)
 void Text.validate(FeedFormat format)
 void Source.validate(FeedFormat format)
 void Person.validate(FeedFormat format)
 void Link.validate(FeedFormat format)
 void ItemEntry.validate(FeedFormat format)
 void Image.validate(FeedFormat format)
 void Id.validate(FeedFormat format)
 void Generator.validate(FeedFormat format)
 void Enclosure.validate(FeedFormat format)
 void Content.validate(FeedFormat format)
 void Cloud.validate(FeedFormat format)
 void ChannelFeed.validate(FeedFormat format)
 void CategorySubject.validate(FeedFormat format)

Uses of FeedFormat in

Methods in that return FeedFormat
 FeedFormat FeedAppender.getFormat()
          The FeedFormat this writer should be using.
if this is not set, the default is RSS 2.0 format.

Methods in with parameters of type FeedFormat
static ChannelFeed FeedReader.readChannel(FeedFormat format, InputStream inputStream)
          Reads a channel from a local or remote feed with a custom ValidationEventHandler
 void FeedAppender.setFormat(FeedFormat format)
          The FeedFormat this writer should be using.
if this is not set, the default is RSS 2.0 format.
static void FeedWriter.writeChannel(FeedFormat format, ChannelFeed channel, OutputStream outputStream)
          Writes a channel to the feed file with a custom ValidationEventHandler.

Constructors in with parameters of type FeedFormat
FeedAppender(File file, FeedFormat format)
FeedAppender(String pathName, FeedFormat format)
FeedAppender(URI uri, FeedFormat format)
FeedReader(File file, FeedFormat format)
          Constructs a FeedReader to read from a local file.
FeedReader(String pathName, FeedFormat format)
          Constructs a FeedReader to read from a local file.
FeedReader(URI uri, FeedFormat format)
          Constructs a FeedReader to read from a local file.
FeedWriter(File file, FeedFormat format)
FeedWriter(String pathName, FeedFormat format)
FeedWriter(URI uri, FeedFormat format)

Uses of FeedFormat in yarfraw.utils

Methods in yarfraw.utils that return FeedFormat
static FeedFormat FeedFormatDetector.getFormat(InputStream stream)
          Determines the format of the input feed stream.
static FeedFormat FeedFormatDetector.getFormat(InputStream stream, boolean strictFormatDetection)
          Determines the format of the input feed stream.

Methods in yarfraw.utils with parameters of type FeedFormat
static String CommonUtils.formatDate(Date date, FeedFormat format)
          Format a Date object to string based on the input FeedFormat.
static JAXBContext JAXBUtils.getContext(FeedFormat format)
          Gets the JAXBContext based on the input FeedFormat
static com.sun.xml.bind.marshaller.NamespacePrefixMapper JAXBUtils.getNamespacePrefixMapper(FeedFormat format)
          Gets the namespace prefix map for the marshaller.
static boolean CommonUtils.isDateFormatValid(String dateString, FeedFormat format)
          Determines whether the input dateString is valid based on the input FeedFormat.

Uses of FeedFormat in yarfraw.utils.reader

Methods in yarfraw.utils.reader with parameters of type FeedFormat
static ChannelFeed format, File file)
          Read a Rss feed in to a ChannelFeed data object.
static List<ChannelFeed> FeedReaderUtils.readAll(FeedFormat format, File... files)
          Read all Rss feed and return them in a list that is in the same order.

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