View Javadoc

1   package yarfraw.core.datamodel;
3   import;
4   import java.util.ArrayList;
5   import java.util.HashMap;
6   import java.util.List;
7   import java.util.Map;
9   import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
10  import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
12  import org.w3c.dom.Element;
13  import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
15  import yarfraw.utils.ValidationUtils;
16  import yarfraw.utils.XMLUtils;
17  /***
18   * <b>&lt;TextInput> element of Rss 1.0 and Rss 2.0. This is ignored by Atom 1.0</b>
19   * <br/>
20   * <li> Rss 2.0 -
21   *A channel may optionally contain a <textInput> sub-element, which contains four required sub-elements.<br/>
22   *&lt;title> -- The label of the Submit button in the text input area.<br/>
23   *&lt;description> -- Explains the text input area.<br/>
24   *&lt;name> -- The name of the text object in the text input area.<br/>
25   *&lt;link> -- The URI of the CGI script that processes text input requests.<br/>
26   *The purpose of the <textInput> element is something of a mystery. You can use it to specify a search engine box. Or to allow a reader to provide feedback. Most aggregators ignore it.<br/>
27   *</li>
28   *<li> Rss 1.0 - 
29   * The textinput element affords a method for submitting form data to an arbitrary URL -- usually located at the parent website. 
30   * The form processor at the receiving end only is assumed to handle the HTTP GET method.
31   * The field is typically used as a search box or subscription form -- among others. 
32   * While this is of some use when RSS documents are rendered as channels (see MNN) and accompanied by human readable title 
33   * and description, the ambiguity in automatic determination of meaning of this overloaded element renders it otherwise not 
34   * particularly useful. RSS 1.0 therefore suggests either deprecation or augmentation with some form of resource discovery of 
35   * this element in future versions while maintaining it for backward compatibility with RSS 0.9.
36   * {textinput_uri} must be unique with respect to any other rdf:about attributes in the RSS document and is a URI which identifies the textinput. {textinput_uri} 
37   * should be identical to the value of the <link> sub-element of the &lt;textinput> element, if possible. 
38   *</li>
39   *
40   * @author jliang
41   *
42   */
43  public class TextInput extends AbstractBaseObject{
44    private static final long serialVersionUID = 20070927L;
45    private String _title;
46    private String _description;
47    private String _name;
48    private String _link;
49    public TextInput(){}
51    /***
52     *A channel may optionally contain a <textInput> sub-element, which contains four required sub-elements.<br/>
53     *&lt;title> -- The label of the Submit button in the text input area.<br/>
54     *&lt;description> -- Explains the text input area.<br/>
55     *&lt;name> -- The name of the text object in the text input area.<br/>
56     *&lt;link> -- The URI of the CGI script that processes text input requests.<br/>
57     *The purpose of the <textInput> element is something of a mystery. You can use it to specify a search engine box. Or to allow a reader to provide feedback. Most aggregators ignore it.<br/>
58     * @throws URISyntaxException 
59     * if <code>link</code> is an invalid URI 
60     * 
61     */
62    public TextInput(String title, String description, String name, String link){
63      _title = title;
64      _description = description;
65      _name = name;
66      setLink(link);
67    }
68    /***
69     * The label of the Submit button in the text input area.<br/>
70     */
71    public String getTitle() {
72      return _title;
73    }
74    /***
75     * The label of the Submit button in the text input area.<br/>
76     */  
77    public TextInput  setTitle(String title) {
78      _title = title;
79      return this;
80    }
81    /***
82     * Explains the text input area.<br/>
83     */
84    public String getDescription() {
85      return _description;
86    }
87    /***
88     * Explains the text input area.<br/>
89     */  
90    public  TextInput  setDescription(String description) {
91      _description = description;
92      return this;
93    }
94    /***
95     *The name of the text object in the text input area.<br/>
96     */
97    public String getName() {
98      return _name;
99    }
100   /***
101    *The name of the text object in the text input area.<br/>
102    */  
103   public TextInput setName(String name) {
104     _name = name;
105     return this;
106   }
107   /***
108    *The URI of the CGI script that processes text input requests.<br/>
109    */
110   public String getLink() {
111     return _link;
112   }
113   /***
114    *The URI of the CGI script that processes text input requests.<br/>
115    */  
116   public TextInput setLink(String link) {
117     _link = link;
118     return this;
119   }
121   /***
122    * <b>Rss 1.0 only</b><br/>
123    * @param resource
124    * @return
125    */
126   public TextInput setResource(String resource) {
127     _resource = resource;
128     return this;
129   }
130   /***
131    * <b>Rss 1.0 only</b><br/>
132    * @param about
133    * @return
134    */
135   public TextInput setAbout(String about) {
136     _about = about;
137     return this;
138   }
140   ////////////////////////Common setters///////////////////////
141   /***
142    * Any other attribute that is not in the RSS 2.0 specs.
143    */
144   public TextInput setOtherAttributes(Map<QName, String> otherAttributes) {
145     _otherAttributes = otherAttributes;
146     return this;
147   }
148   /***
149    * Add an attribute that is not in the RSS 2.0 specs.
150    */
151   public TextInput addOtherAttributes(QName namespace, String attribute) {
152     if(_otherAttributes == null){
153       _otherAttributes = new HashMap<QName, String>();
154     }
155     _otherAttributes.put(namespace, attribute);
156     return this;
157   }
159   /***
160    * Other additional elements that are not in the Rss specs.<br/>
161    * **Note** The element should not have an empty namespace to avoid collision with the specs elements.
162    */
163   public TextInput setOtherElements(List<Element> otherElements) {
164     _otherElements = otherElements;
165     return this;
166   }
167   /***
168    * Add an element that is not specified in the Rss specs.<br/>
169    * **Note** The element should not have an empty namespace to avoid collision with the specs elements.
170    * @param element - any element
171    */
172   public TextInput addOtherElement(Element element){
173     if(_otherElements == null){
174       _otherElements = new ArrayList<Element>();
175     }
176     _otherElements.add(element);
177     return this;
178   }
180   /***
181    * Add an element that is not specified in the Rss specs.<br/>
182    * **Note** The element should not have an empty namespace to avoid collision with the specs elements.
183    * 
184    * @param xmlString - any element
185    * @throws ParserConfigurationException 
186    * @throws IOException 
187    * @throws SAXException 
188    */
189   public TextInput addOtherElement(String xmlString) throws SAXException, IOException, ParserConfigurationException{
190     return addOtherElement(XMLUtils.parseXml(xmlString, false, false).getDocumentElement());
191   }
194   ////////////////////////Common setters///////////////////////
196   @Override
197   public void validate(FeedFormat format) throws ValidationException {
198     if(format == FeedFormat.ATOM10)
199        return;
201     if(format == FeedFormat.RSS20){
202       ValidationUtils.validateNotNull("Image: All required fields in the Image object should be not null", _title, _link, _description, _name);
203       ValidationUtils.validateUri("link is not a valid URI",  _link);
204     }
206     if(format == FeedFormat.RSS10){
207       ValidationUtils.validateNotNull("[Textinput] about is required", getAbout());
208     }
209   }
210 }