1 package yarfraw.core.datamodel;
3 import java.util.HashMap;
4 import java.util.Locale;
5 import java.util.Map;
7 import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
9 import yarfraw.utils.ValidationUtils;
11 /***
12 *
13 * <li>Rss 2.0 -
14 * {@link Image} is an optional sub-element of {@link Image},
15 * which contains three required and three optional sub-elements.
16 * <p>
17 * <code>url</code> is the URI of a GIF, JPEG or PNG image that represents the channel.
18 * <p>
19 * <code>title</code> describes the image, it's used in the ALT attribute of the HTML
20 * <img> tag when the channel is rendered in HTML.
21 * <p>
22 * <code>link</code> is the URI of the site, when the channel is rendered,
23 * the image is a link to the site.
24 * (Note, in practice the image <title> and <link> should have the same value as the channel's
25 * <title> and <link>.
26 * <p>
27 * Optional elements include <code>width</code> and <code>height</code>, indicating the width and height of
28 * the image in pixels.
29 * <p>
30 * <code>description</code> contains text that is included in the TITLE attribute
31 * of the link formed around the image in the HTML rendering.
32 * <p>
33 * Maximum value for width is 144, default value is 88.
34 * Maximum value for height is 400, default value is 31.
35 * </li>
36 *
37 * <li> Rss 1.0 -
38 * An image to be associated with an HTML rendering of the channel.
39 * This image should be of a format supported by the majority of Web browsers.
40 * While the later 0.91 specification allowed for a width of 1-144 and height of 1-400,
41 * convention (and the 0.9 specification) dictate 88x31.
42 * </li>
43 * <li>Atom 1.0 -
44 * The "atom:icon" element's content is an IRI reference [RFC3987]
45 * which identifies an image which provides iconic visual identification for a feed.
46 * <br/>
47 * The "atom:logo" element's content is an IRI reference [RFC3987] which identifies an image which provides visual identification for a feed.
48 * </li>
49 * @author jliang
50 *
51 */
52 public class Image extends AbstractBaseObject{
53 private static final long serialVersionUID = 20070927L;
54 private String _url;
55 private String _title;
56 private String _link;
57 private Integer _width =88;
58 private Integer _height = 31;
59 private String _description;
60 public Image(){}
62 public Image(String url, String title, String link, Integer width, Integer height,
63 String description){
64 super();
65 setUrl(url);
66 _title = title;
67 setLink(link);
68 setHeight(height);
69 setWidth(width);
70 _description = description;
71 }
73 /***
74 * <li>Rss 2.0 -
75 * <code>url</code> is the URI of a GIF, JPEG or PNG image that represents the channel.
76 * if url is not an valid url
77 * </li>
78 * <li>Rss 1.0 -
79 * The URL of the image to used in the "src" attribute of the channel's image tag when rendered as HTML.
80 * </li>
81 * <li>
82 * Atom 1.0 -
83 * url of the image
84 * </li>
85 * @param url - any valid url
86 * @return this
87 */
88 public Image setUrl(String url){
89 _url = url;
90 return this;
91 }
93 /***
94 * <li>Rss 2.0 -
95 * <code>title</code> describes the image, it's used in the ALT attribute of the HTML
96 * <img> tag when the channel is rendered in HTML.
97 * </li>
98 * <li>Rss 1.0 -
99 * The alternative text ("alt" attribute) associated with the channel's image tag when rendered as HTML.
100 * </li>
101 * <li>
102 * Atom 1.0 - not supported, this field is ignored.
103 * </li>
104 */
105 public String getTitle() {
106 return _title;
107 }
109 /***
110 * <li>Rss 2.0 -
111 * <code>title</code> describes the image, it's used in the ALT attribute of the HTML
112 * <img> tag when the channel is rendered in HTML.
113 * </li>
114 * <li>Rss 1.0 -
115 * The alternative text ("alt" attribute) associated with the channel's image tag when rendered as HTML.
116 * </li>
117 * <li>
118 * Atom 1.0 - not supported, this field is ignored.
119 * </li>
120 * @param title - string value of the title
121 * @return this
122 */
123 public Image setTitle(String title) {
124 _title = title;
125 return this;
126 }
128 /***
129 * <li> Rss 2.0 -
130 * <code>link</code> is the URI of the site, when the channel is rendered,
131 * the image is a link to the site.
132 * (Note, in practice the image <title> and <link> should have the same value as the channel's
133 * <title> and <link>.
134 *</li>
135 *<li> Rss 1.0 -
136 *The URL to which an HTML rendering of the channel image will link. This, as with the channel's title link, is commonly the parent site's home or news page.
137 *</li>
138 *<li>
139 * Atom 1.0 - not supported, this field is ignored.
140 * </li>
141 */
142 public Image setLink(String link){
143 _link = link;
144 return this;
145 }
148 /***
149 * <li>Rss 2.0 -
150 * <code>url</code> is the URI of a GIF, JPEG or PNG image that represents the channel.
151 * if url is not an valid url
152 * </li>
153 * <li>Rss 1.0 -
154 * The URL of the image to used in the "src" attribute of the channel's image tag when rendered as HTML.
155 * </li>
156 * <li>
157 * Atom 1.0 - url of the image
158 * </li>
159 * @return url of the image
160 */
161 public String getUrl() {
162 return _url;
163 }
165 /***
166 * <li> Rss 2.0 -
167 * <code>link</code> is the URI of the site, when the channel is rendered,
168 * the image is a link to the site.
169 * (Note, in practice the image <title> and <link> should have the same value as the channel's
170 * <title> and <link>.
171 *</li>
172 *<li> Rss 1.0 -
173 *The URL to which an HTML rendering of the channel image will link. This, as with the channel's title link, is commonly the parent site's home or news page.
174 *</li>
175 *<li>
176 * Atom 1.0 - not supported, this field is ignored.
177 * </li>
178 * @return
179 */
180 public String getLink() {
181 return _link;
182 }
184 /***
185 * This field is only used by Rss 2.0, it is ignored by other {@link FeedFormat}<br/>
186 * Optional elements include <code>width</code> and <code>height</code>, indicating the width and height of
187 * the image in pixels.
188 */
189 public Integer getWidth() {
190 return _width;
191 }
192 /***
193 * <b>This field is only used by Rss 2.0, it is ignored by other {@link FeedFormat}</b><br/>
194 * Optional elements include <code>width</code> and <code>height</code>, indicating the width and height of
195 * the image in pixels.
196 * Maximum value for width is 144, default value is 88.
197 */
198 public Image setWidth(Integer width) {
199 if(width == null){
200 _width = 88;
201 return this;
202 }
204 _width = width;
205 return this;
206 }
207 /***
208 * <b>This field is only used by Rss 2.0, it is ignored by other {@link FeedFormat}</b><br/>
209 * Optional elements include <code>width</code> and <code>height</code>, indicating the width and height of
210 * the image in pixels.
211 */
212 public Integer getHeight() {
213 return _height;
214 }
215 /***
216 * <b>This field is only used by Rss 2.0, it is ignored by other {@link FeedFormat}</b><br/>
217 * Optional elements include <code>width</code> and <code>height</code>, indicating the width and height of
218 * the image in pixels.
219 *
220 * Maximum value for height is 400, default value is 31.
221 */
222 public Image setHeight(Integer height) {
223 if(height == null){
224 _width = 31;
225 return this;
226 }
227 _height = height;
228 return this;
229 }
230 /***
231 * <b>This field is only used by Rss 2.0, it is ignored by other {@link FeedFormat}</b><br/>
232 * <code>description</code> contains text that is included in the TITLE attribute
233 * of the link formed around the image in the HTML rendering.
234 */
235 public String getDescription() {
236 return _description;
237 }
238 /***
239 * <b>This field is only used by Rss 2.0, it is ignored by other {@link FeedFormat}</b><br/>
240 * <code>description</code> contains text that is included in the TITLE attribute
241 * of the link formed around the image in the HTML rendering.
242 */
243 public Image setDescription(String description) {
244 _description = description;
245 return this;
246 }
249 /***
250 * Any other attribute that is not in the RSS 2.0 specs.
251 */
252 public Image setOtherAttributes(Map<QName, String> otherAttributes) {
253 _otherAttributes = otherAttributes;
254 return this;
255 }
256 /***
257 * Add an attribute that is not in the RSS 2.0 specs.
258 */
259 public Image addOtherAttributes(QName namespace, String attribute) {
260 if(_otherAttributes == null){
261 _otherAttributes = new HashMap<QName, String>();
262 }
263 _otherAttributes.put(namespace, attribute);
264 return this;
265 }
267 /***
268 * <b>Atom 1.0 only</b><br/>
269 * Any element defined by this specification MAY have an xml:base attribute
270 * [W3C.REC-xmlbase-20010627]. When xml:base is used in an Atom Document,
271 * it serves the function described in section 5.1.1 of [RFC3986], establishing
272 * the base URI (or IRI) for resolving any relative references found within the
273 * effective scope of the xml:base attribute.
274 * @param base
275 * @return
276 */
277 public Image setBase(String base) {
278 _base = base;
279 return this;
280 }
281 /***
282 * <li>Rss 2.0 - <language> element.
283 * The language the channel is written in. This allows aggregators to group
284 * all Italian language sites, for example, on a single page. A list of allowable
285 * values for this element, as provided by Netscape, is here. You may also use values
286 * defined by the W3C.
287 * Only <channel> support this element.</li>
288 * <li>Rss 1.0 - <dc:language> element. A language of the intellectual content of the resource.
289 * Only <channel> and <item> support this element. </li>
290 * <li>Atom 1.0 - 'lang' attribute</li>
291 * <br/>
292 * Note: for Rss 2.0 and Rss 1.0, only <channel> and <item>
293 * @param lang
294 * @return
295 */
296 public Image setLang(String lang) {
297 _lang = lang;
298 return this;
299 }
301 /***
302 * <li>Rss 2.0 - <language> element.
303 * The language the channel is written in. This allows aggregators to group
304 * all Italian language sites, for example, on a single page. A list of allowable
305 * values for this element, as provided by Netscape, is here. You may also use values
306 * defined by the W3C.
307 * Only <channel> support this element.</li>
308 * <li>Rss 1.0 - <dc:language> element. A language of the intellectual content of the resource.
309 * Only <channel> and <item> support this element. </li>
310 * <li>Atom 1.0 - 'lang' attribute</li>
311 * <br/>
312 * Note: for Rss 2.0 and Rss 1.0, only <channel> and <item>
313 * @param lang
314 * @return
315 */
316 public Image setLang(Locale lang) {
317 _lang = lang.getLanguage();
318 return this;
319 }
320 /***
321 * <b>Rss 1.0 only</b><br/>
322 * @param resource
323 * @return
324 */
325 public Image setResource(String resource) {
326 _resource = resource;
327 return this;
328 }
329 /***
330 * <b>Rss 1.0 only</b><br/>
331 * @param about
332 * @return
333 */
334 public Image setAbout(String about) {
335 _about = about;
336 return this;
337 }
339 @Override
340 public void validate(FeedFormat format) throws ValidationException {
341 if(format == FeedFormat.RSS20){
342 ValidationUtils.validateNotNull("Image: All required fields in the Image object should be not null", _url, _title, _link);
343 ValidationUtils.validateUri("Url or link is not a valid URI", _url, _link);
344 if(_width > 144 || _width < 0){
345 throw new ValidationException("[Image] Maximum value for width is 144, according to RSS20 specs");
346 }
347 if(_height > 400 ||_height < 0){
348 throw new ValidationException("[Image] Maximum value for height is 400, according to RSS20 specs");
349 }
350 }else{
351 ValidationUtils.validateNotNull("Image: url should not be null", _url);
352 ValidationUtils.validateUri("Url is not a valid URI", _url);
353 }
355 if(format == FeedFormat.RSS10){
356 ValidationUtils.validateNotNull("attribute 'about' is required", getAbout());
357 }
358 }
359 }