1 package yarfraw.core.datamodel;
3 import java.net.URI;
4 import java.net.URISyntaxException;
6 import yarfraw.utils.ValidationUtils;
8 /***
9 * <b>This is only used by Rss 2.0.</b>
10 * <br/>
11 * Describes a media object that is attached to the item.
12 *
13 * It has three required attributes. url says where the enclosure is located, length says how big it is in bytes, and type says what its type is, a standard MIME type.
14 * <br/>
15 * The url must be an http url.
16 * <br/>
17 * example: <enclosure url="http://www.scripting.com/mp3s/weatherReportSuite.mp3" length="12216320" type="audio/mpeg" />
18 * @author jliang
19 *
20 */
21 public class Enclosure extends AbstractBaseObject{
22 private static final long serialVersionUID = 20070927L;
23 private String _url;
24 private String _length;
25 private String _mimeType;
26 private String _value;
28 public Enclosure(){}
31 /***
32 * It has three required attributes. url says where the enclosure is located, length says how big it is in bytes, and type says what its type is, a standard MIME type.
33 * @throws URISyntaxException
34 */
35 public Enclosure(String url, String length, String mimeType, String value){
36 super();
37 setUrl(url);
38 setLength(length);
39 setMimeType(mimeType);
40 setValue(value);
41 }
42 /***
43 * Parse field Url to a {@link URI} object and returns it.
44 * @return field Url as a {@link URI} object.
45 * @throws URISyntaxException
46 */
47 public URI getUrlAsUri() throws URISyntaxException{
48 if(_url != null){
49 return new URI(_url.trim());
50 }
51 return null;
52 }
54 /***
55 * Parse length attribute into a {@link Long} and returns it.
56 * @return
57 */
58 public Long getLengthAsLong() {
59 if(_length != null){
60 return Long.parseLong(_length);
61 }
62 return null;
63 }
65 public String getUrl() {
66 return _url;
67 }
68 public Enclosure setUrl(String url) {
69 _url = url;
70 return this;
71 }
72 public String getLength() {
73 return _length;
74 }
75 public Enclosure setLength(String length) {
76 _length = length;
77 return this;
78 }
79 public String getMimeType() {
80 return _mimeType;
81 }
82 public Enclosure setMimeType(String mimeType) {
83 _mimeType = mimeType;
84 return this;
85 }
86 public String getValue() {
87 return _value;
88 }
89 public Enclosure setValue(String value) {
90 _value = value;
91 return this;
92 }
93 @Override
94 public void validate(FeedFormat format) throws ValidationException {
95 if(format == FeedFormat.ATOM10){
96 return;
97 }
98 ValidationUtils.validateNotNull("Encloure: All fields in the enclosure object should be not null", _length, _mimeType, _url, _value);
99 }
100 }