1 package yarfraw.core.datamodel;
3 import yarfraw.utils.ValidationUtils;
5 /***
6 * <b>This is only used by Rss 2.0.</b>
7 *
8 * <p>
9 * It specifies a web service that supports the rssCloud interface which can be implemented in HTTP-POST, XML-RPC or SOAP 1.1.
10 * Its purpose is to allow processes to register with a cloud to be notified of updates to the channel, implementing a lightweight publish-subscribe protocol for RSS feeds.
11 * <cloud domain="rpc.sys.com" port="80" path="/RPC2" registerProcedure="myCloud.rssPleaseNotify" protocol="xml-rpc" />
12 * In this example, to request notification on the channel it appears in, you would send an XML-RPC message to rpc.sys.com on port 80, with a path of /RPC2. The procedure to call is myCloud.rssPleaseNotify.
13 * <br/>
14 * A full explanation of this element and the rssCloud interface is here.
15 * <br/>
16 * http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/rss/soapMeetsRss.html#rsscloudInterface
17 * <p/>
18 * Example: <cloud domain="rpc.sys.com" port="80" path="/RPC2" registerProcedure="pingMe" protocol="soap"/>
19 * @author jliang
20 *
21 */
22 public class Cloud extends AbstractBaseObject{
23 private static final long serialVersionUID = 20070927L;
24 private String _domain;
25 private String _port;
26 private String _path;
27 private String _registerProcedure;
28 private String _protocol;
29 public Cloud(){}
30 public static Cloud create(){
31 return new Cloud();
32 }
33 public Cloud(String domain, String port, String path,
34 String registerProcedure, String protocol) {
35 super();
36 setDomain(domain);
37 setPath(path);
38 setPort(port);
39 setRegisterProcedure(registerProcedure);
40 setProtocol(protocol);
41 }
42 public String getDomain() {
43 return _domain;
44 }
45 public Cloud setDomain(String domain) {
46 _domain = domain;
47 return this;
48 }
50 public String getPort() {
51 return _port;
52 }
53 public void setPort(String port) {
54 _port = port;
55 }
56 public String getPath() {
57 return _path;
58 }
59 public Cloud setPath(String path) {
60 _path = path;
61 return this;
62 }
63 public String getRegisterProcedure() {
64 return _registerProcedure;
65 }
66 public Cloud setRegisterProcedure(String registerProcedure) {
67 _registerProcedure = registerProcedure;
68 return this;
69 }
70 public String getProtocol() {
71 return _protocol;
72 }
73 public Cloud setProtocol(String protocol) {
74 _protocol = protocol;
75 return this;
76 }
77 @Override
78 public void validate(FeedFormat format) throws ValidationException {
79 if(format != FeedFormat.RSS20){
80 return;
81 }
83 ValidationUtils.validateNotNull("Cloud: All fields in the cloud object should be not null", _domain, _path, _port, _protocol, _registerProcedure);
84 if(!_protocol.equals("xml-rpc") && !_protocol.equals("http-post") && !_protocol.equals("soap")){
85 throw new ValidationException("Cloud: Protocol should be one of the following: xml-rpc, soap, http-post");
86 }
88 if(_port != null && (Integer.parseInt(_port) < 0 || Integer.parseInt(_port) > 65535)){
89 throw new ValidationException("Cloud: Invalid port number");
90 }
92 }
93 }