Date Parsing/Formatting Utilities Methods Examples:

The FeedReader class does not attempt to parse the dates when it reads in feeds, this is by design because I don't want the reader to fail or throw an exception when it fails to parse a date. There are, however, a utility method you can use to parse date string you receive from a feed, it should be able to parse most of the date formats:

        //RFC format, use by RSS 2.0 ONLY
        Date date = CommonUtils.tryParseDate("Tue, 27 May 2003 08:37:32 GMT");
        //ISO format, use by both Atom 1.0 and RSS 1.0
        Date date = CommonUtils.tryParseDate("2003-12-13T08:29:29-04:00");
        Date date = CommonUtils.tryParseDate("2003-12-13T08:29:29");
        Date date = CommonUtils.tryParseDate("2003-12-13");

If you are building a feed, you should use the following utility method to format a date into a string that can be recognize by Yarfraw. When Yarfraw writes a feed to a file, it will first check the date strings to determine whether it is in a valid format according to the format that it is currently writing in. If the string is not valid, it will try to convert it to a standardize format to ensure the resulting feed is readable by as many feed reader as possible. It does that by first parsing the input date string and convert it to a string based on its feed format. For example, if the FeedWriter is writing in Atom 1.0 format and the input date string is "Tue, 27 May 2003 08:37:32 GMT", the writer will use the method above to parse the string into a date and then format it to a ISO date string "2003-05-27T08:37:32".

If the date string is already in the expected format (Atom 1.0 and RSS 1.0 should use ISO format, RSS 2.0 should use RFC format), or it's not in the expected format but the writer is not able to parse the date string, the writer will leave the date string as is and write it to the feed xml file without any modifications.

Use the following method to parse your date before using it as a date string in your feed:

    String isoDateString = CommonUtils.formatDate(new Date(), FeedFormat.ATOM10);
    String isoDateString2 = CommonUtils.formatDate(new Date(), FeedFormat.RSS10);
    String rfcDateString = CommonUtils.formatDate(new Date(), FeedFormat.RSS20);

Specs for RFC date format can be found here: RFC 822 . Specs for ISO date format can be found here: ISO 8601 .

FeedReader Utilities Methods Examples:

Static method for reading feed(s):

    File f1 = new File("digg.xml");
    File f2 = new File("reddit.xml");
    File f3 = new File("theserverside-rss2.xml");
    //all input files need to be in the same format
    List<ChannelFeed> channels = FeedReaderUtils.readAll(FeedFormat.RSS20, f1, f2, f3);

Static method for reading feed(s) remotely.

This method will submit a Callable function to the input ExecutorService for every input url and will only return when it finishes reading all requested feeds. The ChannelFeed objects in the returned list will in the exact same order as they were in the input url. For the example below, the first ChannelFeed in the returned list will be from "", the second ChannelFeed will be from "" and so on. If for whatever reasons the method fails to read a feed, the corresponding ChannelFeed in the list will be null. For example, if it fails to read from "", then the object at index 2 in the returned list will be null.

This method will detect the formats automatically, but since it does not remember any states, it has to perform format detection every time it is called. If performance is an issue, it is recommended that you keep an instance of the reader in memory so the reader can re-use the detected formats as opposed to only holding the URLs in memory.

  HttpURL[] urls = new HttpURL[]{
            new HttpURL(""),
            new HttpURL(""),
            new HttpURL(""),
            new HttpURL(""),
            new HttpURL(""),
            new HttpURL(""),
            new HttpURL(""),
            new HttpURL(""),
            new HttpURL(""),
            new HttpURL(""),
            new HttpURL(""),
            new HttpURL(""), //Rss 0.9x, Yarfraw can read it just fine
            new HttpURL(""))
    //you can pass in any ExecutorService you want
    List<ChannelFeed> channels = FeedReaderUtils.readAll(Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10), urls );
    int i =0;
    for(HttpURL url : urls){
      ChannelFeed c = channels.get(i);
      if(c != null){
        System.out.println("Yarfraw failed to parse one of the channels: "+url);

Feed Format Detection

The FeedFormatDetector utility class is used to detect the format of a feed. It inspects the root element of a RSS feed to determine the format of the feed:

    InputStream s = null;
    try {
      s = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("rss20.xml");
      assert(FeedFormat.RSS20 == FeedFormatDetector.getFormat(s));
      IOUtils.closeQuietly(s); //dont forget to close you io streams!!

    InputStream s = null;
    try {
      s = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("rss10.xml");
      assert(FeedFormat.RSS10 == FeedFormatDetector.getFormat(s));
      IOUtils.closeQuietly(s); //dont forget to close you io streams!!
    InputStream s = null;
    try {
      s = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("unsupportedFormat.xml");
      assert(FeedFormat.UNKNOWN == FeedFormatDetector.getFormat(s));
      IOUtils.closeQuietly(s); //dont forget to close you io streams!!

Officially, Yarfraw only supports RSS 2.0, RSS 1.0, and ATOM 1.0. But, the format detector will report RSS 0.9x formats as RSS 2.0 because the FeedReader is able to read them using the RSS 2.0 parser. If you want a stricter format detector, you can pass in a strict enforcement flag to tell the detector that you want strict format detection. if the flag is set to true, the method will only report RSS 2.0 when the root element is 'rss' and it has a version 2.0 attribute. For instance, <rss version="2.0" >.

For the following 3 files, if strict detection is enabled, only File 2 will be detected as RSS 2.0 format, both File 1 and 3 will be reported as UNKNOWN format. If strict detection is disabled (default), then all three files will be identified as RSS20 format:

    File 1: { <rss version="0.92"><channel></channel> </rss> }
    File 2: { <rss version="2.0"><channel></channel></rss> }            

    File 3: { <rss version="2.0.1"><channel /></rss> }
    InputStream s = null;
    try {
      s = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("file1.xml");
      assert(FeedFormat.RSS20 == FeedFormatDetector.getFormat(s));
      IOUtils.closeQuietly(s); //dont forget to close you io streams!!
    InputStream s = null;
    try {
      s = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("file1.xml");
      assert(FeedFormat.UNKNOWN == FeedFormatDetector.getFormat(s, true));
      IOUtils.closeQuietly(s); //dont forget to close you io streams!!
    ... as so on, you get the idea

XML Utilities Methods Examples:

Parse an XML string. The core data model uses this method to allow users to add extensibility elements to a feed. See here for more details.

    //signature: Document parseXml(String xml, boolean validating, boolean ignoringComments)
  Document doc = XMLUtils.parseXml("<tag></tag>", false, false);
  Element element = XMLUtils.parseXml("<tag></tag>", false, false).getDocumentElement();

For more details, I encourage to take a look at the Javadoc . Also check out the FAQ section for more insights about this API.