Sometimes you may want to add extensibility elements to your feed that are not in the RSS specs. For example, the RSS 2.0 feed from has some additional elements under all the item elements.
The Channel and Item data models supports these additional elements, as well as any additional attributes. You can add more elements to a channel or an item using the 'otherElements' and 'otherAttributes' list:
new ChannelFeed().addOtherAttributes(new QName("", "testAttribute", "my"), "test");
That will add the following attribute to the channel element
<channel xmlns:my="" my:testAttribute="test">
Adding elements:
ChannelFeed c = new ChannelFeed(); c.addOtherElement("<my:newElement xmlns:my=\"\">new element</my:newElement>"); c.addOtherElement("<my:otherNewElement xmlns:my=\"\">new element 2</my:otherNewElement>");
That will add the following two elements to the channel element
<channel> <my:newElement xmlns:my="">new element</my:newElement> <my:otherNewElement xmlns:my="">new element 2</my:otherNewElement> </channel>
Of course, you can also add an element object:
new Channel().addOtherElement(new Element(){...}); DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); Document doc = factory.newDocumentBuilder().newDocument(); new ChannelFeed().addOtherElement(doc.createElementNS("", "oneMoreElement"));
Item works the same way:
ItemEntry item = new ItemEntry().setTitle("title") .setDescriptionOrSummary("desc") .addLink(""); item.addOtherAttributes(new QName("", "testAttribute", "my"), "test"); item.addOtherElement("<my:newElement xmlns:my=\"\">new element</my:newElement>"); item.addOtherElement("<my:otherNewElement xmlns:my=\"\">new element 2</my:otherNewElement>");
resulting item:
<item my:testAttribute="test"> <my:newElement>new element</my:newElement> <my:otherNewElement>new element 2</my:otherNewElement> <my:oneMoreElement /> <description>desc</description> <link></link> <title>title</title> </item>
the resulting item if writing in Atom 1.0 format:
<entry my:testAttribute="test"> <my:newElement>new element</my:newElement> <my:otherNewElement>new element 2</my:otherNewElement> <my:oneMoreElement /> <description>desc</description> <link href="" /> <title>title</title> </entry>
Yarfraw offers some primitive validation for all its core data models. The validation logics will check to make sure the object you build conforms to the RSS specs by checking things such as there is at least one item element, required elements are not null, etc. If the validation failed, it will raise a ValidationException:
ChannelFeed c = buildChannel(); c.validate(FeedFormat.RSS20); //validation for other formats might not work as well as RSS 2.0 validation c.validate(FeedFormat.RSS10); c.validate(FeedFormat.ATOM10);
TODO: more details
All data model classes override toString, equals and hasCode methods. Please note that the equals method delegates to Apache commons's reflectionEquals method, in which the comparison is done by doing deep reflection inspection. If you have objects that seem to be having the same content but they are not equaled, it can be a number of things: maybe some field is null in one and is an empty collection in the other; maybe the same date is formatted differently so the date string is different; etc.
Also note that the toString method dump the entire object to a string in multiple lines, which can be very noisy. You might want to consider implementing a simplified toString() method that is format aware. (i.e. skip the Atom 1.0 only fields when outputting a RSS 2.0 ChannelFeed).
@Override public String toString(){ return ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(this, ToStringStyle.MULTI_LINE_STYLE); } @Override public boolean equals(Object other){ return EqualsBuilder.reflectionEquals(this, other); } @Override public int hashCode(){ return HashCodeBuilder.reflectionHashCode(this); }
Many data model classes have convenient methods:
ChannelFeed c = buildChannel(); //get an element such as this under the channel element //<my:newElement xmlns:my="">new element</my:newElement> Element e = c.getElementByNS("", "newElement"); //from the item element e = item.getElementByNS("", "newElement"); //add 2 new categories using a string value c.addCategorySubject("category1", "category2"); //add skip hours c.addSkipHour(1, 2, 3); //add a description using a string without creating a Text object c.setDescriptionOrSubtitle("Meerkat: An Open Wire Service")
Other methods:
channel.addOtherAttributes(new QName("", "testAttribute", "my"), "test"); item.addOtherAttributes(new QName("", "testAttribute", "my"), "test");
For more details, I encourage to take a look at the Javadoc . Also check out the FAQ section for more insights about this API.