Uses of Class

Packages that use YarfrawException   

Uses of YarfrawException in

Methods in that throw YarfrawException
 FeedAppender FeedAppender.appendAllItemsAt(int index, List<ItemEntry> items)
          Appends all of the ItemEntry in the specified collection into the current feed at the specified position (optional operation).
 FeedAppender FeedAppender.appendAllItemsToBeginning(ItemEntry... items)
          Appends all of the ItemEntry to the beginning of the item list in the current feed.
 FeedAppender FeedAppender.appendAllItemsToBeginning(List<ItemEntry> items)
          Appends all of the ItemEntry to the beginning of the item list in the current feed.
 FeedAppender FeedAppender.appendAllItemsToEnd(ItemEntry... items)
          Appends all of the ItemEntry to the end of the item list in the current feed.
 FeedAppender FeedAppender.appendAllItemsToEnd(List<ItemEntry> items)
          Appends all of the ItemEntry to the end of the item list in current feed.
 ChannelFeed FeedReader.readChannel()
          Reads a channel from a local or remote feed.
 ChannelFeed CachedFeedReader.readChannel()
          Reads a channel from a local or remote feed.
static ChannelFeed FeedReader.readChannel(FeedFormat format, InputStream inputStream)
          Reads a channel from a local or remote feed with a custom ValidationEventHandler
 ChannelFeed FeedReader.readChannel(ValidationEventHandler validationEventHandler)
          Reads a channel from a local or remote feed with a custom ValidationEventHandler
 ChannelFeed CachedFeedReader.readChannel(ValidationEventHandler validationEventHandler)
          Reads a channel from a local or remote feed with a custom ValidationEventHandler
This method performs conditional get, if the remote is not modified since last request, the cached feed will be returned.
 FeedAppender FeedAppender.removeItem(int index)
          * Remove the item at index index from the feed.
 FeedAppender FeedAppender.setItem(int index, ItemEntry item)
          Set the item at index index to be the input item
 void FeedWriter.writeChannel(ChannelFeed channel)
          Writes a channel to the feed file with a custom ValidationEventHandler
 void FeedWriter.writeChannel(ChannelFeed channel, ValidationEventHandler validationEventHandler)
          Writes a channel to the feed file with a custom ValidationEventHandler.
static void FeedWriter.writeChannel(FeedFormat format, ChannelFeed channel, OutputStream outputStream)
          Writes a channel to the feed file with a custom ValidationEventHandler.

Constructors in that throw YarfrawException
CachedFeedReader(org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpURL httpUrl)
          Constructs a CachedFeedReader to read from a remote source using Http.
CachedFeedReader(org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpURL httpUrl, org.apache.commons.httpclient.params.HttpClientParams params)
          Constructs a CachedFeedReader to read from a remote source using Http.
FeedReader(org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod getMethod)
          Constructs a FeedReader to read from a remote source using Http.
FeedReader(org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpURL httpUrl)
          Constructs a FeedReader to read from a remote source using Http.
FeedReader(org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpURL httpUrl, org.apache.commons.httpclient.params.HttpClientParams params)
          Constructs a FeedReader to read from a remote source using Http.

Uses of YarfrawException in yarfraw.mapping.backward.impl

Methods in yarfraw.mapping.backward.impl that throw YarfrawException
 ChannelFeed ToChannelRss10Impl.execute(RDF rdf)
 ChannelFeed ToChannelRss20Impl.execute(TRssChannel ch)

Uses of YarfrawException in yarfraw.mapping.forward.impl

Methods in yarfraw.mapping.forward.impl that throw YarfrawException
 JAXBElement<TRssChannel> ToRss20ChannelImpl.execute(ChannelFeed channel)
 RDF ToRss10ChannelImpl.execute(ChannelFeed ch)
          Model: (channel, image?, item+, textinput?)
 JAXBElement<FeedType> ToAtom10ChannelImpl.execute(ChannelFeed ch)
          atomEntry = element atom:entry { atomCommonAttributes, (atomAuthor* & atomCategory* & atomContent? & atomContributor* & atomId & atomLink* & atomPublished? & atomRights? & atomSource? & atomSummary? & atomTitle & atomUpdated & extensionElement*) }
 JAXBElement<TRss10Item> ToRss10ChannelItemImpl.execute(ItemEntry item)
static EntryType Atom10MappingUtils.toEntry(ItemEntry item)

Uses of YarfrawException in yarfraw.utils

Methods in yarfraw.utils that throw YarfrawException
static FeedFormat FeedFormatDetector.getFormat(InputStream stream)
          Determines the format of the input feed stream.
static FeedFormat FeedFormatDetector.getFormat(InputStream stream, boolean strictFormatDetection)
          Determines the format of the input feed stream.
static String XMLUtils.transformWithXsl(String xslt, String xml)

Uses of YarfrawException in yarfraw.utils.extension

Methods in yarfraw.utils.extension that throw YarfrawException
static AdminExtension ExtensionUtils.extractAdminExtension(List<Element> otherElements)
          Extracts the well-formed web extension elements from the input list into an AdminExtension object.
static Atom03Extension ExtensionUtils.extractAtom03Extension(List<Element> otherElements)
          Extracts the Atom 0.3 extension elements that are not mapped to the core models from the input list into an Atom03Extension object.
static BloggerExtension ExtensionUtils.extractBloggerExtension(List<Element> otherElements)
          Extracts the well-formed web extension elements from the input list into an BloggerExtension object.
static DublinCoreExtension ExtensionUtils.extractDublinCoreExtension(List<Element> otherElements)
          Extracts the itunes extension elements from the input list into an DublinCoreExtension object.
static FeedburnerExtension ExtensionUtils.extractFeedburnerExtension(List<Element> otherElements)
          Extracts the feedburner extension elements from the input list into an FeedburnerExtension object.
static GeoRssExtension ExtensionUtils.extractGeoRssExtension(List<Element> otherElements)
          Extracts the Georss extension elements from the input list into an GeoRssExtension object.
The extracted elements will be removed from the original input list.
static GoogleBaseExtension ExtensionUtils.extractGoogleBaseExtension(List<Element> otherElements)
          Extracts the googlebase extension elements from the input list into an GoogleBaseExtension object.
static ItunesExtension ExtensionUtils.extractItunesExtension(List<Element> otherElements)
          Extracts the itunes extension elements from the input list into an ItunesExtension object.
static MrssExtension ExtensionUtils.extractMrssExtension(List<Element> otherElements)
          Extracts the mrss extension elements from the input list into an MrssExtension object.
The extracted elements will be removed from the original input list.
static SlashExtension ExtensionUtils.extractSlashExtension(List<Element> otherElements)
          Extracts the slash extension elements from the input list into an SlashExtension object.
static SyndicationExtension ExtensionUtils.extractSyndicationExtension(List<Element> otherElements)
          Extracts the well-formed web extension elements from the input list into an SyndicationExtension object.
static WellFormedWebExtension ExtensionUtils.extractWellFormedWebExtension(List<Element> otherElements)
          Extracts the well-formed web extension elements from the input list into an WellFormedWebExtension object.
static List<Element> ExtensionUtils.toAdminAtomElements(AdminExtension extensionObject)
          Converts the input AdminExtension object to an element list.
static List<Element> ExtensionUtils.toBloggerAtomElements(BloggerExtension extensionObject)
          Converts the input BloggerExtension object to an element list.
static List<Element> ExtensionUtils.toDublinCoreElements(DublinCoreExtension extensionObject)
          Converts the input DublinCoreExtension object to an element list.
static List<Element> ExtensionUtils.toFeedburnerElements(FeedburnerExtension extensionObject)
          Converts the input FeedburnerExtension object to an element list.
static List<Element> ExtensionUtils.toGeoRssElements(GeoRssExtension extensionObject)
          Converts the input GeoRssExtension object to an element list.
static List<Element> ExtensionUtils.toGoogleBaseElements(GoogleBaseExtension extensionObject)
          Converts the input GoogleBaseExtension object to an element list.
static List<Element> ExtensionUtils.toItunesElements(ItunesExtension extensionObject)
          Converts the input ItunesExtension object to an element list.
static List<Element> ExtensionUtils.toMrssElements(MrssExtension extensionObject)
          Converts the input MrssExtension object to an element list.
static List<Element> ExtensionUtils.toSlahsElements(SlashExtension extensionObject)
          Converts the input FeedburnerExtension object to an element list.
static List<Element> ExtensionUtils.toSyndicationElements(SyndicationExtension extensionObject)
          Converts the input SyndicationExtension object to an element list.
static List<Element> ExtensionUtils.toWellFormedWebElements(WellFormedWebExtension extensionObject)
          Converts the input WellFormedWebExtension object to an element list.

Uses of YarfrawException in yarfraw.utils.reader

Methods in yarfraw.utils.reader that throw YarfrawException
static ChannelFeed format, File file)
          Read a Rss feed in to a ChannelFeed data object.
static List<ChannelFeed> FeedReaderUtils.readAll(ExecutorService executorService, org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpURL... urls)
          Static method for reading feed(s) remotely.
static List<ChannelFeed> FeedReaderUtils.readAll(FeedFormat format, File... files)
          Read all Rss feed and return them in a list that is in the same order.

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