Packages that use YarfrawException | |
yarfraw.io | |
yarfraw.mapping.backward.impl | |
yarfraw.mapping.forward.impl | |
yarfraw.utils | |
yarfraw.utils.extension | |
yarfraw.utils.reader |
Uses of YarfrawException in yarfraw.io |
Methods in yarfraw.io that throw YarfrawException | |
FeedAppender |
FeedAppender.appendAllItemsAt(int index,
List<ItemEntry> items)
Appends all of the ItemEntry in the specified collection into the current feed
at the specified position (optional operation). |
FeedAppender |
FeedAppender.appendAllItemsToBeginning(ItemEntry... items)
Appends all of the ItemEntry to the beginning of the item list in the current feed. |
FeedAppender |
FeedAppender.appendAllItemsToBeginning(List<ItemEntry> items)
Appends all of the ItemEntry to the beginning of the item list in the current feed. |
FeedAppender |
FeedAppender.appendAllItemsToEnd(ItemEntry... items)
Appends all of the ItemEntry to the end of the item list in the current feed. |
FeedAppender |
FeedAppender.appendAllItemsToEnd(List<ItemEntry> items)
Appends all of the ItemEntry to the end of the item list in current feed. |
ChannelFeed |
Reads a channel from a local or remote feed. |
ChannelFeed |
Reads a channel from a local or remote feed. |
static ChannelFeed |
FeedReader.readChannel(FeedFormat format,
InputStream inputStream)
Reads a channel from a local or remote feed with a custom ValidationEventHandler |
ChannelFeed |
FeedReader.readChannel(ValidationEventHandler validationEventHandler)
Reads a channel from a local or remote feed with a custom ValidationEventHandler |
ChannelFeed |
CachedFeedReader.readChannel(ValidationEventHandler validationEventHandler)
Reads a channel from a local or remote feed with a custom ValidationEventHandler
This method performs conditional get, if the remote is not modified since last request, the cached feed will be returned. |
FeedAppender |
FeedAppender.removeItem(int index)
* Remove the item at index index from the feed. |
FeedAppender |
FeedAppender.setItem(int index,
ItemEntry item)
Set the item at index index to be the input item |
void |
FeedWriter.writeChannel(ChannelFeed channel)
Writes a channel to the feed file with a custom ValidationEventHandler |
void |
FeedWriter.writeChannel(ChannelFeed channel,
ValidationEventHandler validationEventHandler)
Writes a channel to the feed file with a custom ValidationEventHandler . |
static void |
FeedWriter.writeChannel(FeedFormat format,
ChannelFeed channel,
OutputStream outputStream)
Writes a channel to the feed file with a custom ValidationEventHandler . |
Constructors in yarfraw.io that throw YarfrawException | |
CachedFeedReader(org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpURL httpUrl)
Constructs a CachedFeedReader to read from a remote source using Http. |
CachedFeedReader(org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpURL httpUrl,
org.apache.commons.httpclient.params.HttpClientParams params)
Constructs a CachedFeedReader to read from a remote source using Http. |
FeedReader(org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod getMethod)
Constructs a FeedReader to read from a remote source using Http. |
FeedReader(org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpURL httpUrl)
Constructs a FeedReader to read from a remote source using Http. |
FeedReader(org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpURL httpUrl,
org.apache.commons.httpclient.params.HttpClientParams params)
Constructs a FeedReader to read from a remote source using Http. |
Uses of YarfrawException in yarfraw.mapping.backward.impl |
Methods in yarfraw.mapping.backward.impl that throw YarfrawException | |
ChannelFeed |
ToChannelRss10Impl.execute(RDF rdf)
ChannelFeed |
ToChannelRss20Impl.execute(TRssChannel ch)
Uses of YarfrawException in yarfraw.mapping.forward.impl |
Methods in yarfraw.mapping.forward.impl that throw YarfrawException | |
JAXBElement<TRssChannel> |
ToRss20ChannelImpl.execute(ChannelFeed channel)
ToRss10ChannelImpl.execute(ChannelFeed ch)
Model: (channel, image?, item+, textinput?) |
JAXBElement<FeedType> |
ToAtom10ChannelImpl.execute(ChannelFeed ch)
atomEntry = element atom:entry { atomCommonAttributes, (atomAuthor* & atomCategory* & atomContent? & atomContributor* & atomId & atomLink* & atomPublished? & atomRights? & atomSource? & atomSummary? & atomTitle & atomUpdated & extensionElement*) } |
JAXBElement<TRss10Item> |
ToRss10ChannelItemImpl.execute(ItemEntry item)
static EntryType |
Atom10MappingUtils.toEntry(ItemEntry item)
Uses of YarfrawException in yarfraw.utils |
Methods in yarfraw.utils that throw YarfrawException | |
static FeedFormat |
FeedFormatDetector.getFormat(InputStream stream)
Determines the format of the input feed stream. |
static FeedFormat |
FeedFormatDetector.getFormat(InputStream stream,
boolean strictFormatDetection)
Determines the format of the input feed stream. |
static String |
XMLUtils.transformWithXsl(String xslt,
String xml)
Uses of YarfrawException in yarfraw.utils.extension |
Methods in yarfraw.utils.extension that throw YarfrawException | |
static AdminExtension |
ExtensionUtils.extractAdminExtension(List<Element> otherElements)
Extracts the well-formed web extension elements from the input list into an AdminExtension
object. |
static Atom03Extension |
ExtensionUtils.extractAtom03Extension(List<Element> otherElements)
Extracts the Atom 0.3 extension elements that are not mapped to the core models from the input list into an Atom03Extension
object. |
static BloggerExtension |
ExtensionUtils.extractBloggerExtension(List<Element> otherElements)
Extracts the well-formed web extension elements from the input list into an BloggerExtension
object. |
static DublinCoreExtension |
ExtensionUtils.extractDublinCoreExtension(List<Element> otherElements)
Extracts the itunes extension elements from the input list into an DublinCoreExtension
object. |
static FeedburnerExtension |
ExtensionUtils.extractFeedburnerExtension(List<Element> otherElements)
Extracts the feedburner extension elements from the input list into an FeedburnerExtension
object. |
static GeoRssExtension |
ExtensionUtils.extractGeoRssExtension(List<Element> otherElements)
Extracts the Georss extension elements from the input list into an GeoRssExtension
object.The extracted elements will be removed from the original input list. |
static GoogleBaseExtension |
ExtensionUtils.extractGoogleBaseExtension(List<Element> otherElements)
Extracts the googlebase extension elements from the input list into an GoogleBaseExtension
object. |
static ItunesExtension |
ExtensionUtils.extractItunesExtension(List<Element> otherElements)
Extracts the itunes extension elements from the input list into an ItunesExtension
object. |
static MrssExtension |
ExtensionUtils.extractMrssExtension(List<Element> otherElements)
Extracts the mrss extension elements from the input list into an MrssExtension
object.The extracted elements will be removed from the original input list. |
static SlashExtension |
ExtensionUtils.extractSlashExtension(List<Element> otherElements)
Extracts the slash extension elements from the input list into an SlashExtension
object. |
static SyndicationExtension |
ExtensionUtils.extractSyndicationExtension(List<Element> otherElements)
Extracts the well-formed web extension elements from the input list into an SyndicationExtension
object. |
static WellFormedWebExtension |
ExtensionUtils.extractWellFormedWebExtension(List<Element> otherElements)
Extracts the well-formed web extension elements from the input list into an WellFormedWebExtension
object. |
static List<Element> |
ExtensionUtils.toAdminAtomElements(AdminExtension extensionObject)
Converts the input AdminExtension object to an element list. |
static List<Element> |
ExtensionUtils.toBloggerAtomElements(BloggerExtension extensionObject)
Converts the input BloggerExtension object to an element list. |
static List<Element> |
ExtensionUtils.toDublinCoreElements(DublinCoreExtension extensionObject)
Converts the input DublinCoreExtension object to an element list. |
static List<Element> |
ExtensionUtils.toFeedburnerElements(FeedburnerExtension extensionObject)
Converts the input FeedburnerExtension object to an element list. |
static List<Element> |
ExtensionUtils.toGeoRssElements(GeoRssExtension extensionObject)
Converts the input GeoRssExtension object to an element list. |
static List<Element> |
ExtensionUtils.toGoogleBaseElements(GoogleBaseExtension extensionObject)
Converts the input GoogleBaseExtension object to an element list. |
static List<Element> |
ExtensionUtils.toItunesElements(ItunesExtension extensionObject)
Converts the input ItunesExtension object to an element list. |
static List<Element> |
ExtensionUtils.toMrssElements(MrssExtension extensionObject)
Converts the input MrssExtension object to an element list. |
static List<Element> |
ExtensionUtils.toSlahsElements(SlashExtension extensionObject)
Converts the input FeedburnerExtension object to an element list. |
static List<Element> |
ExtensionUtils.toSyndicationElements(SyndicationExtension extensionObject)
Converts the input SyndicationExtension object to an element list. |
static List<Element> |
ExtensionUtils.toWellFormedWebElements(WellFormedWebExtension extensionObject)
Converts the input WellFormedWebExtension object to an element list. |
Uses of YarfrawException in yarfraw.utils.reader |
Methods in yarfraw.utils.reader that throw YarfrawException | |
static ChannelFeed |
FeedReaderUtils.read(FeedFormat format,
File file)
Read a Rss feed in to a ChannelFeed data object. |
static List<ChannelFeed> |
FeedReaderUtils.readAll(ExecutorService executorService,
org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpURL... urls)
Static method for reading feed(s) remotely. |
static List<ChannelFeed> |
FeedReaderUtils.readAll(FeedFormat format,
File... files)
Read all Rss feed and return them in a list that is in the same order. |